Tuesday, November 24, 2009


igt nk blik kg ari ni tpi x jdi plak..
my m0m n my dad x lrat nk blik..
cbuk wt keje je..
tpi esk c0nfirm jdi..
yeah bebeyh!!

miss soo much kt my frenz..huhu..

Sunday, November 22, 2009


sambungan cter yg lpas.....

aq bergegas dtg ke ruang tamu.."Ye ayh? de pe?
bpk aq : g wt air..de org dtg minang ko..
aq : hah?! lgi?? mggu ni da 10 org dtg minang hani..jemu r..haha..
bpk aq : g je la wt air 2..ne tau ni jd0h ko..
aq : yela2..
dgn langkah yg lemah longlai aq g ke dapur..

Di ruang tamu..
org tua ne ntah : kami ni mewakili encik anwar nk minang ank cik..
bapak aq : owh..de gmbr dak 2??
org tua ne ntah : de..ni die..(smbil mngeluarkan gmbr dri k0cek bju die)
bapak aq : owh..bleh thn dak ni..ok2..t kami tnjuk kt anak kami ye..
org tua ne ntah : baiklah..klau cm2 kami minx dri dlu la..
bapak aq : eh! air pun x wt lgi..
org tua ne ntah : xpe2..kami blik dlu la ye..
bapak aq : hmm..ske ati r..dahaga pdn mke..

Kt dapur..
aq x wt pun air 2..mls..bek aq tgk tv..haha..jht bt0l..s0 wht?? nk mnum g warung r..haha..

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

b0red bn0r ini cuti..

assalamualaikum tmn2 ku yg ku arap sm0ge berbahagia sentiasa..
huhu..nerd nye ayt..
d0 i care??!!
aq da cuti..pe?? da tau?? eh! ske ati aq la nk ckp..cbuk je..huh! cuti ni x rancang lgi pe aktiviti2 yg bermanfaat yg nk dibuat..b0san la..
t pejam celik da nek sk0la..lpas 2..msuk f0rm5..blaja2 pastu spm..lpas 2 dpt result..aq dpt 9A+.pe ko ckp??
brangan je??
eh! bt0l r..kte tgk t..x cye plak..aq bengang tau org pndg rndah keb0lehan aq..lwn r j0m..
pas dapat result, dpt tawaran smbung pljrn kt matrix..pastu dpt twaran g luar negara..mne 1 aq nk plih ek..hmm..x tau r..maybe g matrix je k0t..tk0t la g ngara org..kt ngara sndri rmai msuh apatah lgi ngara org..huhu..
da blaja kt matrix smbung study kt universiti harvard or oxf0rd..haha..bes glr..tup3 dpt jd0h kt sne..hehe..tpi x nk r..mat salleh gnas..haha..lucah! bek plih melayu gak..10 thun blaja kt sne dlm bidang perubatan aq blik malaysia..
0tw dlm prjlnan dlm flight..aq trpndg la pil0t yg bwk aer0plane 2..pergh! mkdat0k! nsem bn0r.terg0da i..i tnye la pramugari 2 spe nme pilot 2..nk knal la kn0n nye..haha..n she said that anwar haslan..what??!!! haha..phm2 je la..aq pun bg la n0 aq kt pramugari 2 sruh ksi kt pil0t yg h0t 2..hehe..tup3 da smpai malaysia..huhu..cpt nye..
da berubah r malaysia..lme kt ngara org, ngara sndri da maju gler skrg..huhu..aq da dpt phd n keje sbg dkt0r pkar kt h0spital sg. bul0h or selayang r..bes ckit..hehe..
s0al jd0h 2..ntah r..rami sgt yg da merisik tpi aq x nk..(prsn)..aq ttap tgu s0rg laki 2 minang aq..huhu..bila la die nk k0l aq..huhu..nk kawen!! da tua ni!! t da x bertenaga..haha..lucah lgi!!
pda 1 ari..
s0meone : assalamualaikum...
bpk aq : wa'alaikumusalam..ye? spe ye ni?
s0meone : kami ni dtg nk minang anak cik..yg nme hani suraya 2..
bpk aq : owh...

tggu smbungan cter ini ye..

Monday, September 7, 2009

My Truly L0ver

Attenti0n please!!

kpd sume pmbaca2 di my bl0g ni (cam la rmai)..die ni adalah d only b0y that exist in my heart, st0mach n many more..haha..nme nye anwar haslan ye..skul kt smk dat0' bentara luar..tgl kt tmn bukit perdana alamat pnuh x igt..t die yg nk minang aq, bkn aq yg minang die..haha..de 2 mk bpk, s0rg kakak, s0rg abg, s0rg adek laki n s0rg adek pmpuan..peribadi nye lucu, ske wt aq glak, r0mantik, setia, co0l n bnyk lgi r..kbrukan pun de tpi xkn aq nk cter..cnt0h nye die ni kuat jeles wo0..pnt aq lyn..huhu..die pnh nyanyikan aq mcm2 lgu..1st time die nyanyi kn lagu unintended (muse) ciap men gtar..2nd die nyanyikan lgu fall 4 u, men gtar gak n yg 3rd ni aq x tau lg..hehe..2 je la serba sdikit tg die ni.


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Origins of Ramadan

The name "Ramaḍāma" had been the name of the ninth month in the Arab world long before the arrival of Islam; the word itself derived from an Arabic root rmḍ, as in words like "ramiḍa" or "ar-ramaḍ" denoting intense heat[2], scorched ground and shortness of rations. In the Qu'ran, God proclaims that "fasting has been written down (as obligatory) upon you, as it was upon those before you". According to the earliest hadith, this refers to the Jewish practice of fasting on Yom Kippur.[3][4]

Laylat al-Qadr, considered the most holy night of the year, is the night in which the Qur'an was revealed to Muhammad, the "Night of the Power".[5] Muslims believe it to have occurred on an odd-numbered night during the last 10 days of Ramaḍān, either the night of the 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th or 29th (in Sunni thought) or the 19th, 21st or 23rd (in Shi'a thought). Ramaḍān ends with Eid ul-Fitr on the 1 of Shawwal, with much celebration and feasts. During the month following Ramaḍān, called Shawwal, Muslims are encouraged to fast for a further six days, known as as-Sitta al-Bīḍ, or "the white six." When fasting is over, Muslims go to Mosques in nice clothes to pray the first Eid prayer. They give out presents to the young ones and greet their friends and families. They then thank God for what He has given them.[citation needed]

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Sorry All.... This Blog Under Construction